Nonprofit Leadership Resources

Collisions: How Leaders Network

Written by Noah Barnett | May 14, 2024 10:01:32 PM

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
– Helen Keller

College dorm mates.
Ice cream enthusiasts.
An illustrator and a visionary.
A curious kid and a kind neighbor.
An entrepreneur and an astute investor.

Each duo led to innovations that we lean on today from technology and entertainment to connectivity and philanthropy.

I call these moments "collisions"—pivotal, unexpected encounters that reframe possibilities. Like physicists unable to predict outcomes without knowing the masses involved, you too can not foresee the full impact of your interactions. Yet, you can pursue and create environments ripe for net-Good collisions.

This week, we dive into how to foster better collisions. By nurturing connections that align with your vision and goals, you unlock more opportunities to grow your impact. Let's dive in! 


How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity

(video | words) – via Ed Catmull

"Unlike most other studios, we have never bought scripts or movie ideas from the outside. All of our stories, worlds, and characters were created internally by our community of artists. And in making these films, we have continued to push the technological boundaries of computer animation, securing dozens of patents in the process.

While I’m not foolish enough to predict that we will never have a flop, I don’t think our success is largely luck. Rather, I believe our adherence to a set of principles and practices for managing creative talent and risk is responsible. Pixar is a community in the true sense of the word. We think that lasting relationships matter, and we share some basic beliefs: Talent is rare. Management’s job is not to prevent risk but to build the capability to recover when failures occur. It must be safe to tell the truth. We must constantly challenge all of our assumptions and search for the flaws that could destroy our culture."

The Lost Art of Connecting

(video | interview) – via Susan McPherson

"Susan McPherson discusses her book The Lost Art of Connecting: The Gather, Ask, Do Method for Building Meaningful Business Relationships. Even before the pandemic gripped the world, we had become a nation engulfed in loneliness. People have hundreds of “friends” on Facebook, and countless “connections” on LinkedIn, yet real connection remains rare and elusive. At a time when we are more physically distant than ever before—how can we reverse the growing trends of disconnection to forge meaningful connections in business and in life?

In The Lost Art of Connecting, Susan McPherson argues that we need to foster value-based connections by going back to basics. Technology is a tool, not a means to an end. To forge lasting relationships, we need to learn to be more intentional and authentic, and reconnect with people as human beings—especially right now. Making a genuine connection sparks learning, knowledge sharing, reduces burnout, spurs innovation, and creates a sense of purpose and well-being."

The Network Leader

(resource hub) – via Stanford Social Innovation Review

"In the world of complex, multi-stakeholder problem-solving, approaches like collective impact and technologies like social media offer useful, concrete structures and tools—but alone, they are insufficient for achieving transformational change. Likewise, social entrepreneurs—despite often-heroic efforts—often struggle to achieve large-scale, sustainable change as they build and grow their own organizations.

At the heart of some of the most sophisticated, large-scale solutions to social problems are some of the most accomplished leaders you’ve never heard of: network entrepreneurs. Network entrepreneurs actively catalyze networks (or organizations that function like networks), leading to an exponential increase in growth and scale beyond what their own organization could accomplish. These leaders don’t use a single approach, employ a single tool, or operate alone. As they expand and evolve their networks—far beyond the walls of their own organizations—they make sure that their own power fades and the capacity of others grows."


Strategic Advisor + Coach

Hey 👋 - I'm Noah!
founder of TOGETHER 4

I help impact leaders build better. Think of me as your growth partner – part strategic advisor and part leadership coach. 

After spending 15+ years in-house designing growth plans and building teams, I’m now a consultant lending my experience and learnings to you, while building the community where impact leaders gather and grow.

I’ve led and advised growth at organizations such as Virtuous, Feathr, HubSpot, World Help, The Adventure Project, CauseVox, and many more.

Whether you’re on the frontlines fighting for change or building better tech and services to activate more – you’re an impact leader, and I’m here to help. Book your complimentary discovery session today.